Thursday, March 5, 2009

Cheap & Fabulous

I have such a girl crush on Rachel Bilson. She’s so adorable its painful, extremely talented, and super classy. She also manages to stay out of all the Hollywood drama while still remaining relevant. Not easy to do in the least. Another awesome thing about her: her style. She pulls off anything she puts on. That’s kind of an oxymoron but you get the drift, she rocks. I can across this photo and fell in love with her ensemble. It’s cute and casual but still fabulous. Unfortunately I don’t have her budget, so I went rummaging to find this look on the cheap. Here’s what I found…

Which gives us a grand total of...$156.19! Not bad at all ;)
Hope you like what I put together! If you have any celeb outfit you’d like me to cheap-ify for you, just let me know!

The Most Dramatic Finale In Bachelor History, Honestly.

I have to say, even thought the host says that before every finale, this time it was actually true. I’m ashamed to admit how much I love this show. How completely absorbed I get in it and how I discuss it like I know these people. In my mind I do. This years finale certainly did not disappoint in the drama department. Let’s start with…

This guy started this season as the most likeable dad, all around good guy. Everyone was rooting for him and his little cutie, Ty, to find a Mama. One can not help but chuckle at the irony that he is now probably the most hated. Also ladies, it goes to prove that even guys that cry can be buttheads. Sad but true.

You are adorable. I liked you before all of the hoopla but the way you handled yourself made me like you even more. You’re one classy lady and all of us should take a cue from you on how one should act while being filmed in a limo post getting dumped on national television. Brava!

Molly, Molly, Molly. You weren’t enough for him once, how could you think that you’ll remain enough for him now! He’s a fickle boy, that one. I’m not going to lie, I kind of thought you were smug at times, but you still deserve someone better. Perhaps six weeks from now he’ll look into his heart again and decide Dianna really is the one for him after all. And Jason doesn’t want regrets, you know. Wouldn’t that make for good TV

Hence, The Bachelor is the greatest show ever. The end.

What are your thoughts on Jason and the whole situation?


I decided to jump on the bandwagon since blogging is oh so trendy these days. I spend most of my time daydreaming about silly delights, so I thought I‘d share them with lovely people like yourselves.. I plan to provide a mix of music, fashion and gossip posts. Basically all things awesome. If that sounds like something you’d be into, come back to see me!
